Adam and Katie Burtt

"But seek ye first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added unto you." -Matthew 6:33

Monday, July 23, 2012

New Freedom Parade

Our church entered a VBS float in this year's town parade! It was a BLISTERING hot day (over 100 degrees), but it was worth it :) We won first place for the nicest float!

We so much appreciated the help of the Academy of Arts team! They were with us over the weekend to perform in our church and volunteered to help us out during the parade. We couldn't have done it without them!

Adam was one of the flyer distributors...

A lady reading our flyer!

LOL...funny story about this pic! You may wonder, "Why is everyone walking now?" Well, during the parade, one of our wagon tires went flat! Everyone had to jump off and walk so that the rims wouldn't be ruined. Oh well! :)


  1. We just had the Academy of Arts group at our church last Sunday!

  2. The float looks wonderful, Katie! I'll be praying your VBS goes well. =)

  3. Rachael, that's so awesome! The Acad. of Arts always does such a great job...we have them here every summer!

    Thanks, Rach, for the comment about our float and for your prayers :)

