Adam and Katie Burtt

"But seek ye first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added unto you." -Matthew 6:33

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Kitchen Fun

Tomorrow is Mom H.'s birthday, so we decided to make a cake.

Adam was trying to make himself useful by measuring the vegetable oil.


Adam thought Root Beer might taste good in the cake...

We had a great time cooking together!


  1. How cute! Adam, I'm going to need to make you a more "suitable" apron :) Fun to see the pics - keep 'em coming. Tell Mrs. H. "Happy Birthday" from all the Burtts!

    Love, Dad & Mom

  2. Very cute!:) I think the apron might be not exactly your style, Bum;) Love y'all and looking forward to June 25th as I'm sure you are too!:)
